Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Short List Selection

The following firms have been selected for further interviews and short listed:
1. Dewberry
2. Farnsworth
3. Wold
4. PCM
5. CBJ
6. Larson & Darby

The selected firms will recieve letters in the next few days informing them of the time and place for their presentations. 

The presentations/interviews will take place over 3 days - two firms per night.  Each firm will have 45 minutes for their presentation.  After the presentation the board will discuss the presentation in an open board meeting.  Each firm will be rated as stipulated in the Professional Services Selection Act. The highest rated firm will then enter negotiations with the Districts Attorney.  If a satisfactory agreement is reached the district will enter into an agreement.  If not the district will go to the second highest rated firm etc.